Anketa - namenjena pacijentima obolelih od RCC I HCC

Dear EONS member,
We are writing to ask for your help in sharing this survey.
We are doing a survey study to ask patients with advanced renal and advanced liver cancer to test a survey about what are the difficulties they are facing.
We would like to ask you to help us as the last time to disseminate the survey towards the patients so we can capture the opinion of patients with advanced renal and liver cancer.
The link to our study is this one: or the patient can scan the QR code in the attached document to enter the survey.
It takes around 20 minutes to fill.
We would be very grateful if you could disseminate and put it in your clinics or send it to patient organisations,
Thank you very much for your support
Kind regards,
On behalf of Celia Díez de los Ríos and Grigorios Kotronoulas,
Rudi Briké
EONS Secretariat